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Item 450 - 499
Item 450
In the Matter of the Election by Employees of the Clark County Housing Authority for representation by the Nevada Service Employees Union, SEIU Local 1107
Item 451
City of North Las Vegas vs. General Sales Drivers, Delivery Drivers & Helpers, Teamsters, Local Union No. 14
Item 451A
City of North Las Vegas vs. General Sales Drivers, Delivery Drivers & Helpers, Teamsters, Local Union No. 14
Item 452
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 452A
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 452B
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 452C
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 452D
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 452E
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 452F
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 453
Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO vs. Clark County and Clark County Office of the Recorder
Item 453A
Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO vs. Clark County and Clark County Office of the Recorder
Item 454
Incline Village General Improvement District vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 454A
Incline Village General Improvement District vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 454B
Incline Village General Improvement District vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 455
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 455A
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 455B
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 455C
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 456
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 456A
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 456B
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 456C
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 457
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 458
City of Sparks vs. Operating Engineers, Local No. 3
Item 458A
City of Sparks vs. Operating Engineers, Local No. 3
Item 459
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 459A
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 460
Reno Police Protective Association vs. City of Reno
Item 460A
Reno Police Protective Association vs. City of Reno
Item 460B
Reno Police Protective Association vs. City of Reno
Item 461
John Armstrong vs. City of North Las Vegas; North Las Vegas Police Department; and North Las Vegas Police Officers Association
Item 462
White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers vs. White Pine School District and Superintendent Mark Shellinger
Item 462A
White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers vs. White Pine School District and Superintendent Mark Shellinger
Item 462B
White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers vs. White Pine School District and Superintendent Mark Shellinger
Item 462C
White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers vs. White Pine School District and Superintendent Mark Shellinger
Item 463
Michael Thomas vs. City of North Las Vegas; North Las Vegas Police Department; and North Las Vegas Police Officers Association
Item 464
Las Vegas City Employees Protective & Benefit Association vs. City of Las Vegas
Item 464A
Las Vegas City Employees Protective & Benefit Association vs. City of Las Vegas
Item 465
Carson-Tahoe Hospital vs. Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3
Item 466
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3 vs. City of Sparks
Item 467
Douglas County School District vs. Douglas County Professional Education Association
Item 467A
Douglas County School District vs. Douglas County Professional Education Association
Item 467B
Douglas County School District vs. Douglas County Professional Education Association
Item 467C
Douglas County School District vs. Douglas County Professional Education Association
Item 468
Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO vs. Clark County and Clark County Department of Public Works and Clark County Department of Human Resources
Item 469
Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO vs. University Medical Center and County of Clark acting through its Department of Human Resources
Item 470
Washoe County Teachers Association vs. Washoe County School District
Item 470A
Washoe County Teachers Association vs. Washoe County School District
Item 470B
Washoe County Teachers Association vs. Washoe County School District
Item 470C
Washoe County Teachers Association vs. Washoe County School District
Item 471
International Association of Firefighters, Local 731 vs. City of Reno
Item 471A
International Association of Firefighters, Local 731 vs. City of Reno
Item 471B
International Association of Firefighters, Local 731 vs. City of Reno
Item 472
City of Carlin vs. Carlin Police Protective Association
Item 473
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3 vs. Mount Grant General Hospital
Item 474
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3 vs. Washoe County, Nevada and Washoe County Employees Association
Item 474A
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3 vs. Washoe County, Nevada and Washoe County Employees Association
Item 475
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 14, AFL-CIO and Dennis Graham vs. Clark County School District and Education Support Employees Association
Item 475A
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 14, AFL-CIO and Dennis Graham vs. Clark County School District and Education Support Employees Association
Item 476
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 476A
Reno Police Protective Association vs. Reno Police Department and City of Reno
Item 477
Reno/Tahoe Airport Police Supervisors Association; Barry Roseman and Frank Fowler vs. Airport Authority of Washoe County
Item 477A
Reno/Tahoe Airport Police Supervisors Association; Barry Roseman and Frank Fowler vs. Airport Authority of Washoe County
Item 477B
Reno/Tahoe Airport Police Supervisors Association; Barry Roseman and Frank Fowler vs. Airport Authority of Washoe County
Item 478
Rodney Chachere and Dave Leedham vs. Clark County; Earl Greene, Beverly Nelson-Glode and Dale Askew
Item 478A
Rodney Chachere and Dave Leedham vs. Clark County; Earl Greene, Beverly Nelson-Glode and Dale Askew
Item 478B
Rodney Chachere and Dave Leedham vs. Clark County; Earl Greene, Beverly Nelson-Glode and Dale Askew
Item 478C
Rodney Chachere and Dave Leedham vs. Clark County; Earl Greene, Beverly Nelson-Glode and Dale Askew
Item 479
Nye County Support Staff Organization vs. Nye County School District
Item 479A
Nye County Support Staff Organization vs. Nye County School District
Item 480
City of Las Vegas, Nevada vs. Las Vegas Peace Officers Association
Item 480A
City of Las Vegas, Nevada vs. Las Vegas Peace Officers Association
Item 480B
City of Las Vegas, Nevada vs. Las Vegas Peace Officers Association
Item 480C
City of Las Vegas, Nevada vs. Las Vegas Peace Officers Association
Item 481
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481A
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481B
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481C
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481D
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481E
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481F
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481G
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 481H
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, a Nevada Corporation, and Dianna Reed as named Plaintiff for NBS Employees vs. City of Las Vegas; Nevada Business Service; Southern Nevada Workforce Investment Board; Southern Nevada Job Training Board; and The Southern Chief Elected Official Consortiums
Item 482
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members
Item 482A
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members
Item 482B
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members
Item 482C
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members
Item 483
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, and Dennis Baham, Geraldine Davis, Ginger George & Connie Williams
Item 483A
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, and Dennis Baham, Geraldine Davis, Ginger George & Connie Williams
Item 483B
Las Vegas City Employees Benefit and Protective Association aka Las Vegas City Employees Association, and Dennis Baham, Geraldine Davis, Ginger George & Connie Williams
Item 484
Larry Rosequist vs. International Association of Firefighters, Local 1908
Item 485
Ginger L. George vs. Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc.
Item 485A
Ginger L. George vs. Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc.
Item 485B
Ginger L. George vs. Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc.
Item 485C
Ginger L. George vs. Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc.
Item 486
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members, namely Police Officers I and II, and Corrections Officers I and II
Item 486A
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members, namely Police Officers I and II, and Corrections Officers I and II
Item 486B
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members, namely Police Officers I and II, and Corrections Officers I and II
Item 486C
In the Matter of the Request of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to Withdraw Recognition of Police Protective Association as Representative for Certain Members, namely Police Officers I and II, and Corrections Officers I and II
Item 487
Esmeralda County Classroom Teachers Association vs. Esmeralda County School District and the Esmeralda County Board of School Trustees
Item 488
Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc. vs. Police Managers= and Supervisors= Association
Item 489
White Pine County School District vs. White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers
Item 489A
White Pine County School District vs. White Pine Association of Classroom Teachers
Item 490
Washoe County School District vs. Nevada Classified School Employees Association
Item 490A
Washoe County School District vs. Nevada Classified School Employees Association
Item 491
In the Matter of the Humboldt County School District=s Objection to Petition for Recognition for Health Assistants
Item 492
Iris Orr vs. County of Clark; University Medical Center and Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO
Item 492A
Iris Orr vs. County of Clark; University Medical Center and Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO
Item 492B
Iris Orr vs. County of Clark; University Medical Center and Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO
Item 492C
Iris Orr vs. County of Clark; University Medical Center and Nevada Service Employees Union, Local 1107, Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO
Item 493
Humboldt County Support Staff Organization vs. Humboldt County School District and Nevada Classified School Employees Association, Chapter 9
Item 493A
Humboldt County Support Staff Organization vs. Humboldt County School District and Nevada Classified School Employees Association, Chapter 9
Item 494
In the Matter of the Petition for Recognition by the Clark County Deputy Sheriff Bailiffs Association, F.O.P., Local #1
Item 494A
In the Matter of the Petition for Recognition by the Clark County Deputy Sheriff Bailiffs Association, F.O.P., Local #1
Item 495
, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department vs. Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc., and Christopher Williams
Item 496
Clark County School District vs. Clark County Education Association, Clark County Education Association Welfare Benefit Trust
Item 496A
Clark County School District vs. Clark County Education Association, Clark County Education Association Welfare Benefit Trust
Item 496B
Clark County School District vs. Clark County Education Association, Clark County Education Association Welfare Benefit Trust
Item 497
Clark County School District vs. Education Support Employees Association
Item 497A
Clark County School District vs. Education Support Employees Association
Item 498
Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc. vs. City of Las Vegas and Las Vegas Peace Officers Association
Item 498A
Las Vegas Police Protective Association Metro, Inc. vs. City of Las Vegas and Las Vegas Peace Officers Association
Item 499
Nevada Classified School Employees Association, Chapter 2 vs. Washoe County School District and Washoe County Board of School Trustees